Season 7 started 15/3/2024 – 8/10; mean: 6.76

This is where FiM takes a deep nosedive according the community. Actually, according to the community, it too a deep nosedive in season 6 yet I think season 6 was one of the best seasons. Okay, whatever. The end is coming near...

S7E1 “uhh idk something forgot” – 8/10 (15/3)

As a massive starlight fan, this was a tearjerker. It was a beautiful and saddening moment to see this happen. And the amount of care that Twilight had for Starlight was very sweet. Also, this episode probably gives Celestia the most screentime known to man, and I feel establishes a connection between her and Spike, as a sort of “yeahh this is Twilight” and a “keep an eye out for Twilight, okay Spike?” kinda thing. I like it a lot. Man I actually cried at this episode. It’s been a while since a single parter as an op/ed and it’s really nice that this is it for the OP. I didn’t feel like it would be apt if there was another crazy thing happening as the op so I’m glad that this is the way they chose. Also I screamed like a little girl when Twilight said “Sparkle? Yeah, we are.” ALRIGHT NEXT EPISODE I’M VERY EXCITED FOR BECAUSE TRIXIE AND GLIMMY.

S1E2 “All Bottled Up” – 7/10 (15/3)

Not the Starlight x Trixie episode I was expecting but certainly an important one. Trixie is a flawed character (very flawed, in fact) and this episode highlights that one shouldn’t bottle up your anger otherwise it’ll lead to bad things. Alongside Trix x Starlight, the Mane 6 had their own thing, a great demonstration at not only a slice-of-life thing but also contrasting Starlight and Trixie’s toxic friendship (at that moment). Also the song is banging. One of the most banging songs in all of MLP. Still, this episode could’ve been a lot better. For one, Starlight’s anger wasn’t... angry enough. A lot of her anger was given to three other ponies and, imo, they were given a little too much screentime. Starlight should’ve taken the anger back and released it herself for a longer period rather than these ponies chasing Trixie around. That anger cloud was a really great visualisation of Starlight’s anger though. Maybe a better episode would’ve had Starlight release her anger at Trixie, then causing Trixie to be seriously scared where Starlight would figure out how to resolve their differences + so that Trixie would have to learn. Double whammy of a lesson. Maybe a bit too much but that would’ve been more interesting. Still, a simple fix for this episode (imo) was if Starlight ranted to Trixie a little more to add more tension to that scene. Well, whatever, still a great episode; I liked it a lot. One thing I reaaaally liked about this episode was when Trixie held up Starlight’s arms. So cute!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHH!! “Yey, Trixie~! You’re so great at magic and having good haaair~!”

S7E3 “Flurry of Emotions” – 3/10 (16/3)

This episode is garbage. I hate flurry heart with a passion no matter the episode. I was glad that there were no Flurry Heart episodes up till now and now that the writers are actually doing something. GOD I HATE THIS EPISODE. It’s not bad but it is hot garbage. Moral is pretty decent but god I just don’t like babies. They’re so annoying.

S7E4 “Rock Solid Friendship” – 6/10 (20/3)

Though the moral isn’t really clear, I still really liked this episode. “I really like kites” made a scream because of how cute Starlight was when she said it AAAAAGHH SHE’S A GREAT PONY. Very glad to see Starlight and Maud have this bond together. It’s really nice to see how they accept each other despite (or maybe because) of their previous meeting. Also, it feels natural that they end up friends together. They have both weird interests (kites for Starlight – hence her cutie mark; rock for Maud) and it’s great to see their emotional connection! Nonetheless, Pinkie was annoying as hell here (as she was designed to be) and that’s fine but the moral wasn’t very obvious. I assume the show is trying to say don’t try to choose other people’s friends for them? But it could also say that you can be friends with anyone despite their interests. Or it could be both. Whatever the case, good episode, just a little bit of a boring premise.

S7E5 “Fluttershy Leans In” – 5/10 (31/3)

It’s an alright episode. Nothing to grandeur and it showcases Fluttershy’s new BOLDER self very well. Still though, not that interesting so I’ll just give it a 5.

S7E6 “Forever Filly” – 7/10 (1/4)

Excellent episode if not a little boring. It demonstrates how older ponies can misjudge younger ponies (like their sisters) by treating them as such (see infantilization). It’s an important episode and I think the use of the dog AND rarity x sweetie bell reinforces the message significantly and can also portray how this can happen to anything. Sometimes, it drags out a bit but it is nonetheless a great episode.

S7E7 “Parental Glideance” - 8/10 (2/4)

I liked this episode a lot. I know this is a controversial episode for some reason (I have yet to learn why) but I really liked it. Maybe because it isn’t relatable to a lot of people but I think it’s great. That moment when Rainbow Dash lashes out at her parents was tough to watch. Not because it’s cringe but because of how much Rainbow sounded like she meant it. It sounded like she yelled at them from the bottom of her heart. Shit man, I felt really bad for them, but it was a really really good scene. Scootaloo’s reaction is completely fair; seeing her “best” and most inspirational pony do a complete 180 would definitely sour her image of Rainbow. Scootaloo may not understand what Rainbow feels of being absolutely gloated upon (because her parents died I assume) but that doesn’t mean she’s not justified to feel how she feels. If there’s one thing, it’s that Rainbow acted too sad too quickly when Scootaloo left. She didn’t have a single moment of reflection before chasing after Scootaloo and it felt very 180 again, this time feeling unnatural. Rainbow started out angry at Scootaloo and normally, ponies would be like “yeah whatever” when Scootaloo leaves but Rainbow was like >:( to ;(( way too quickly. Also that part where her mom said “No one can make their parents feel more worthless than you” HOLY SHIT THAT LINE OH MY GOD I WAS LIKE “HOOO MY GOD THAT WAS A GOOD LINE”. Great episode. But time to search up about this episode.

Okay yeah, I understand the reason why people would hate it. As quoted by u/JesterOfDestiny on Reddit “"We made who you are" is only a few steps away from "I give you food!" kind of bullshit truly abusive parents will use on their children.” Yeah, okay that makes sense. Read their entire review, it’d make more sense. Personally, I didn’t find it cringe-inducing nor did I see it in that light though I understand why people see it as emotionally manipulative, especially because of a lack of proper conclusion (they didn’t cover how they resolved the issue at the beginning). u/CommaWriter explains what I want to say better; essentially the part where Scootaloo mentions that some ponies would dream of having parents like that. How people who’s had some sort of supportive parents should ought to thank them for what they’ve done to make you the person who you are now.

Now, I’m not saying parents don’t make mistakes or don’t make you feel like shit (they do sometimes) but here, Rainbow is an adult, and her parents were clearly supportive all the way when she was a filly. Rainbow had every right to tell them off but I feel like the way she did it was overstepping boundaries a little which was why it’s a great episode. Okay tbh idk what I’m saying anymore. Overall, great episode. Would watch again. Especially that screaming part. (Also the fact that JesterOfDestiny rated this a 1/10, lower than Newbie Dash’s 3/10, is crazy).

S7E8 “something idk” – 5/10 (4/4)

A mid af episode. So average I don’t even remember its name.

S7E9 “Honest Apple” – 7/10 (7/4)

Applejack is weirdly oblivious to how... unhelpful she is. It’s very distressing to watch. Though that part where Rarity plays the guitar is very nice! Though I really like the use of the word “utilitarian”. Oh and the use of Pinkie to get Rarity tell her thoughts is great! THE ENCOUNTER WITH STRAWBERRY SUNRISE WAS GREAT. And it also had Vylet Pony’s line “Applejack, why are you so angry? It’s just Strawberry’s honest opinion. What’s wrong with that?”

Okay I finished the episode now and my initial complaint is gone. To be honest, that sounds like a very AJ thing to do – getting focused on just one thing to remember to stay kind. It’s a good episode but the beginning is a bit hard to watch.

S7E10 “A Royal Problem” – 9/10 (7/4)

Excellent episode. I am biased for Starlight but this episode just flowed so well! Everything made sense, it was interesting, fun, GREAT!! and powerful. Twilight being the catalyst for many of Starlight’s issue (and her appearance in the end was very funny) was a great idea that made the dream of Starlight make sense. And Celestia’s new-and-improved evil version is AMAZING! I wanna run soon and I still have to clean so I’m not gonna write so much but just know that this is an excellent episode. The best episode of season 7. Also Daybreaker’s design is fantastic.

S7E11 “Not Asking for Trouble” – 6/10 (9/4)

Nice little episode about asking for help. Pinkie goes on an adventure to Yakyakistan and absorbs their culture, essentially. Nothing special but nice to watch.

S7E12 “Discordant Harmony” – 8/10 (9/4)

Great episode! Fluttercord fans would be all over this but this really is a great moral and episode.

S7E13 “The Perfect Pear” – 10/10 (11/4)

Often regarded as one of the best episodes in the series – and for good reason. It is a beautiful episode about Applejack’s parents. Damn I started crying from like the beginning knowing that they die in the end... the song was absolutely amazing as well. Really sad story and a beautiful ending. I love this story.

S7E14 “Fame and Misfortune” – 7/10 (11/4)

“Written by MA Larson” What. I thought he left the production team years ago? I mean, I’m not complaining but it’s just weird to see his name. And why did they use the brilliant writing of M.A. Larson here!???? Why not in a much more important episode like, I don’t know, a Starlight episode or something. Whatever, let’s move on to the show. The episode was good, I liked it a lot, especially the song. Probably the biggest problem I have with it is the end; that there isn’t any. The moral? Non-existent. How did they resolve all the, yknow, ponies outside their door? No idea. I really liked what the rando ponies said though “Fluttershy keeps re-learning the same stuff over and over again”, “Twilight was better before wings”, among others.

It’s clear this was an episode made for fans but it’s a shame how they passed the opportunity to actually show a decent moral for this episode. It could’ve been how you shouldn’t idealise your favourite characters or about how everypony should accept each others’ opinions instead of, yknow, shouting at each other. It really could’ve been an excellent episode if that happened... but no, they threw it out the window (not Larson, he wanted to actually make it like that). Whatever, still a decent episode. Might give it a 6 actually.

S7E15 “Triple Threat” – 5/10 (12/4)

Spike episode. Yeah, trash. The only thing that made it half watchable was because of Ember and Starlight. “No, I’m Starlight”, “Both purple ponies with purple hair” yeah fair enough ember. Why is this episode bad? Starlight and Twilight are both stupid in this episode; not advising Spike on what to ACTUALLY do. Bro, Ember and Thorax literally said it was dumb. Absolutely stupid. Starlight and Twilight just hang around in the background. Whatever. Ember and Thorax work well together though. And just as Starlight said at the end, Spike created the friendship problem, but he did NOT solve it; Ember and Thorax did. This is ridiculous.

S7E16 “Campfire Tales” – 7/10 (12/4)

Nice callback to the last time they did camping. Also... ponies scratch like dogs and cats lmao. It’s a nice bunch of stories. Personally, I found Rarity’s to be the most interesting; maybe because of its topic about beauty. Nonetheless, they were all enjoyable short stories. Not as great as Hearth’s Warming Eve stories but still fun either way.

S7E17 “To Change a Changeling” – 7/10 (14/4)

STARTRIXXXX!!! “Thorax, if there’s anypony who can help your brother, it’s me” – trixie next to Starlight I LOVE THEM//! Also, I like the way they represented queerness, more specifically trans “you can be purple or blue”. Oh my goodness Starlight’s dictatorial self is BACK. I loved that bit. Overall, a very fun episode. I liked it a lot, but I felt like Trixie should’ve been more... chill to Starlight. Like, cut Starlight some slack trix! But otherwise, it was a fun episode.

S7E18 “Daring Done?” - 4/10 (19/5)

An absolute nothingburger of an episode. I never liked daring do episodes. Initially, I expected Daring Do retiring because... I had hope. I had HOPE for this to be just a normal writer’s episode – one that would explore how you shouldn’t pressure writers (or people in general) – but NOPE. Really disappointing. Did not want to see a Daring Do episode when I just started coming back to watch the series. I hope the following episodes will become better but we’ll see I guess.

S7E19 “It Isn’t The Mane Thing About You” – 5/10 (25/5)

This episode is average. A rarity episode, with a good moral but a strange conclusion. I suppose it’s fair though but I expected more like accepting your hair and changing it a bit rather than a whole different thing. Idk, was a bit strange for me.

S7E20 “A Health of Information” – 6/10 (25/5)

Fluttershy learns to take care of yourself first before taking care of others. It’s a good moral, and I think the episode executes it well. But other than that, the episode is kiiiiinda mid. It just wasn’t that interesting, not to mention its dubious relation to Homeopathy but that’s besides the point.

S7E21 “Marks and Recreation” – 7/10 (25/5)

Very weird episode. I usually actively dislike CMC episode but something about this one is great. Not gonna lie, the first half I was kinda like :raised_eyebrow: because of the whole Cutie Marks thing (and that could’ve been rewritten better) which is discussed in the Things That Bind Us (VP). However, the second half clarified a lot of my doubts and it became interesting. Rumble’s got a point, but it isn’t the way to do it. Overall, good episode!

S7E22 “Once Upon a Zepplin” – 8/10 (25/5)

I actually think this is a really good episode. Twily tries to get away from being a princess but instead she’s just back at the job. Her niceness costs her her sanity. Idk why, great episode!

S7E23 “Secrets and Pies” – 8/10 (25/5)

A pinkie episode! I liked this one a lot. It’s really fun to watch :) and I don’t know, it just kinda turns my brain off and seeing Pinkie and RD make up and be happy together is just really nice to see. I loved AJ’s last line “I could’ve said that”. That was hilarious. Otherwise, great episode!

S7E24 “Uncommon Bond” – 9/10 (6/6/24)

Watched on election day. An absolutely amazing episode! Sunburst and Starlight had a tough time reconnecting and all.

S7E25/6 “idk forgot” – 7/10 (26/6/24)

So I watched this in the plane and it was a pretty good finale. I liked the premise and I also liked the negative look that Starswirl the Bearded made since it shows character growth on his end too. Idk I expected the finale to be crazier than it was but it was pretty chill. I mean, it was good, don’t get me wrong, but it wasn’t the S6 finale-feel, yknow? This would be on par with, like, S2 finale and its decency. Well, I want to watch the film so I’ll go do that now.

Head back.